The Conion C126 was a very large boombox from 1984. Apparently The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) owned one.

Conion C-126F

The C126F was one of the largest models from Conion. The owners manual says it's from 1984. Apparently Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) owned one, as you can see in the photo below. The speaker grills say "Hyper Sound", which is rather amusing. And under the grills it says "Super Jumbo 60" but I don't know what the number 60 is supposed to mean. It's not the output power, because the owners manual says it makes only 14 watts RMS (2x7). It has a burglar alarm, which according to Conion "uses infrared rays to detect approaching forms". This model measures 754mm wide, 400mm tall (handle down), and 148mm deep. So even though it's big, it's not very deep, so it's easy to carry. And the RCA input jacks are on the front for ease of use.


Make no mistake, it wasn't Conion's highest-quality model. That honor belongs to the Conion C-100F, which has more power, better build quality, a weighted tuner knob, and a lighted tuner. But the C-126 still has a great look, and it has always been a collectors' favorite. There were 3 versions: Silver face with a blue tuner, gold face with a black tuner, and an all-black version called the FLE. There was also a re-branded version called the Sansui Shogun JSA-185. You should also check out the Conion TC-999, which has two additional tweeters instead of the "Super Jumbo 60" badges.




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